blog post #7

Teacher Pages

While I was in high school my physics teacher had a website and was constantly updating it.  My school didn't force the teachers to have websites but they all used Microsoft Teams to keep everyone up to date with what was happening in the classroom.  My physics teacher's website has the school's vision and mission on the opening page.  He has different tabs for the various topics he teaches.  Under each tab is a link to access the notes he presents in class and other necessary handouts.  He also puts his assignments under the classes tab.  His website also includes information about himself and how to contact him.  

Technology Efficiency 

When I have my own class I plan on using a lot of different technologies every day.  I plan on having my own website that every student and parent will be able to access.  On the website, I will have a way to contact me and weekly plans.  In addition to my website, I will use either Google classroom or Microsoft Teams to make sure every student has easy access to class notes and assignments.  I also plan to utilize Kahoot and Quizlet to make the students think learning is a game.  

Wiki Page

I found this platform difficult to use.  It looked boring and complicated.  If you don't know how to use every single feature of this platform then you can't get the full benefits from it.  I will not be using this platform in my future classroom.  None of my teachers made us use things like this.  I understand that technology is always changing but there are easier platforms to use. 

Twitter Days of the Week Challenge 

I did not participate in the Twitter challenge.  I don't feel comfortable posting on Twitter.  If I were to participate I liked the schedule given.  It was very straight about what to post. 
