blog post #8

Website Design

    In this era of technology, I feel like it is necessary for a teacher to have their own website that they are always updating.  For the website I designed I implemented a Google calendar that automatically updates.  This is an important feature for a teacher's website so students and families always have the newest information.  By working on the website design assignment I was able to understand how effective a teacher's website can be. My website


    Even though I think Diigo is a difficult website to maneuver it is an important tool.  This can tool can be useful in my classroom because it has trustworthy sources.  It will make me more confident with the information that I am teaching my future students.  Diigo has taught me how to find sources with accurate information.  


     Technology is one of the most important tools a teacher can use in their classroom.  Since technology is always changing teachers need to help their students keep up with it.  A good source to use to keep up with the technology changes is Twitter.  Twitter is constantly getting updated with all of the new technologies.  
Twitter is a social media platform that is open for anyone to use and update with important information or personal information. 


  1. Hi Lily! Your website is outstanding! It's easy to navigate and visually appealing. All of your links work and each portion is easily acesable with the proper information.

  2. Hi Lilly! I really loved your website. I was able to navigate it super easily and I loved how you made it look! Great job!

  3. Hi Lily! You did a really great job setting up your website. I like the setup of your main page with the calendar central and the about me section to the side of it. Your website in visual appealing and easy to navigate.

  4. Hello Lily! I really liked your website! Everything was very organized and simple to go through/navigate.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi Lily, I really liked your website every part was nice, the design is structured and there are not areas that are to close together or miss colored. It is also not overloaded.

  7. Hi Lily! I like your website a lot. It's organized professionally and looks like something that a teacher genuinely would put out there. Great website design, I'd just say that maybe you should add more graphics to make there be less negative space.


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