Blog Post #2

                                                                Microsoft VS Google 

When I was first introduced to technology in the classroom we used Google everything and that’s all I knew for the first 10 years of my education.  Once I graduated from the 8th grade I was forced to transition to Microsoft and I found it to be a difficult adjustment.  I prefer to use Google software because I can have the same document on all my devices just by logging into my Drive.  When using Microsoft, if you don’t send it to yourself, you lose it if your device dies. 

ISTE Standards for Educators 

The standard that I find very important is being a learner.  As an educator, you are not done being the student.  You constantly have to be looking for new things to teach yourself in order to improve how you perform in the classroom.  Technology is constantly improving and evolving so you have to as well.

“Digital Native”

I don't think people my age should be considered a “digital native”.  Yes, I was introduced to technology at a young age, but most of us didn’t have our own electronics until middle school.  Today's kids have been put in front of screens since they could open their eyes.  I also don’t see kids interacting with each other anymore.  They would rather sit alone on their phones than go and talk to other people their age.  Growing up, my older teachers hated using the SmartBoards and used paper grade books and planners, but my younger teachers used iPads for everything.  I think I’ll have more technology and use my iPad for planning in my classroom.  I also want my kids to be able to use all of the electronics but I’m not going to have them be the focus of my classroom.


  1. Great journal Lilly! I found it interesting that you used Google Docs for most of your student career because I had the opposite experience. Now that I use Google Docs as well, I agree that it's very easy to use and it saves your work very well. As for your ISTE standard, I had the exact same thought process! I also think that you're never done learning even when you're a teacher.

  2. Hi Lilly! I like your perspective on what a digital native should be. I agree that most people our age did not have electronics until later and might not understand it as well as the next generation. I think that we may fall sort of in between digital native and digital immigrants since it was becoming more common as we grew up, whereas, technology use is already prevalent in the lives of children growing up now.


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