Blog Journal #5


    I just recently created a Twitter account and so far it is not my favorite app.  I find the platform to be busy and difficult to navigate.  I've been looking at Florida education accounts.  I can see how this platform will help me in the future by keeping me connected and up to date.  It'll take me a while to get comfortable with using it though. 

Digital Divide

    The digital divide is a problem throughout the country.  If a school doesn't have access to the technology they need then their students will fall behind.  In order to be successful in a career they must be able to efficiently use different types of technology.  If a student doesn't have access to the same technology the other students around them then they will be behind in their own class.  As a teacher I would see what technology each student has access to in the beginning of the school year and make every assignment be able to be completed with the lowest amount of technology a student has.

Software Tools 

     In my classroom, I would like to use Google Classroom and Microsoft platforms.  Google Classroom is awesome at keeping your students connected and have all of the online activities and resources together.  With Google Classroom every student will be able to have and find the same resources on every computer they login to.  Microsoft platforms are used more once the students get older and they need to know how to create and maneuver Excel, Word, and PowerPoint.  
