Blog Journal #4

 ELA Standard 2

    I choose the second standard for fourth grade.  This standard involves oral communication.  Each student should learn how to give information verbally and in an organized manner.  They should also learn how to deliver the information with appropriate tone and volume.  I believe I am able to teach this information with the skills I currently have.  When I'm working with my kids at summer camp I am able to get them to express themselves in a way that follows this standard.  


    From the educator tool kit I choose fourth grade science.  This tool covers an activity about the moon phases.  The activity is to observe the moon every night for a month and document what you see.  After the month you come together and discuss why the moon appears to have changed every night.  I would use this tool in my classroom because it gives the students fun homework and something to look forward to at the end of the month. 

Searching Skills

    As a teacher it is very important to be able to search the internet effectively.  You need to be able to trust what you find is the correct information.  You don't want to teach false information.  A good skill to use is to be able to find the same information from multiple different sources.  


  1. Hi Lilly, I agree with you that a good teacher should be able to search the internet efficiently and effectively. I think time management is one of the best skills a teacher can have, and to save time when searching the internet is a big part of that.


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