Blog Journal #3

 Copyright and Fair Use

    Copyright laws were put in the U.S. Constitution in order to protect all work created.  Every work after January 1, 1978 is automatically protected under the copyright laws.  A work is protected through the creators life and 70 years after their death.  Teachers have the ability to use copyrighted materials if they are using it for instructional use.  Printing and passing out whole articles to the class is against the copyright law.  Fair use was created to allow freedom of expression in the classroom.  This allows creative application to copyright materials in an instructional setting. 

Technology Implantation Issues  

    With the amount of technology in the classroom problems are bound to occur.  A major problem that most schools face is not having the funding available.  Passing out laptops to every student gets expensive and isn't an option for every school. When a school doesn't have the funding for new technology then their students are at a disadvantage from the beginning.  Schools all over the country are way under funded and just need more money from the county.  Another problem with technology in the classroom is the ability for students to cyberbully.  Bullying has always been a problem in schools but now that they can hide behind a screen name then the number of people getting bullied has increased.  Sometimes students don't even realize they are bullying someone through social media.  This problem could be reduced by not allowing social media on students laptops if they were distributed by the school.  

                                            "I <3 Computers and Math" by NJ Tech Teacher                                                                                           is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

Newsletter Skills 

    By working on the Newsletter Design I was able to evaluate how much I already knew about Microsoft platforms and how much I still have to learn.   I was refreshed on how to manipulate a picture to move exactly where I want it.  The textbox feature made it really easy to write on virtual forms on the newsletter.  The skills I learned will make creating worksheets in my future classroom so much easier and faster.  
