Blog Journal #1

Blog Post #1

By: Lilly Branton

A Look Into My Life 

    My name is Elizabeth Branton but my whole life I've been called Lilly.  I am born and raised in the great state of Florida, and I hope to live the rest of my life in my beautiful home town.  I love to live on the beach but I also enjoy taking my vacations to the mountains.  I've always been in an athletic family so growing up I played; basketball, soccer, volleyball, and softball.  Once I got to high school I dropped all of my sports except for one and decided to focus on being the best softball player I could be.  In high school I was also the manager for my girls basketball teams and loved everything about it.  Even though I grew up around the ballpark I consider myself to be girly with a touch of twang.  My family is from Alabama and Mississippi so I have that hint of country in my blood. 

My Technology Background 

My whole life I've been using technology in my classrooms.  I was fortunate enough to attend a small private school kindergarten through eighth grade.  When I was in elementary school we didn't have our own laptops but we had a computer lab and was taught how to do all the basic things on a PC.  Once we got into middle school we were given our own Chromebooks and used them in all of our classes.  At my private school we used Google as our main platform but when I moved into a public high school we switched to a Microsoft platform.  Freshman year I took a class that certified in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel.  Being able to navigate both the Google and Microsoft platforms makes the    transition from high school to college a lot more smooth. I definitely retained all the things I've been taught about technology. 

My Personal Learning Networks 

In order for me to succeed in my educational journey I use booth online and offline resources.  When
I'm in class and taking notes I like to use my iPad and Apple Pencil.  These tools make it easier to organize your notes when you have to write things down fast.  When I'm studying for a quiz I prefer to use Quizlet as online flashcards.  For big exams I like to use paper flashcards because I feel like if I physically write things down I remember them better. 
